Monday, January 13, 2014


hey today iam going to show you how to watch you favourite american tv shows online 

there is a website called  this is a site on which we can watch american tv shows online 
but the main problem is that this website can only be accessed only when you are in the usa(united states of america).

so here comes the main part how can you watch american websites which are banned for the other country's so there is extension called HOLA which youcan search in google for extension when you get it . add it on your browser .

now as you open HULU . then HOLA which you just added will appear on the right hand side at top of the browser . it will change the HOLA symbol to the american flag . this means that you are now able to access the site . which is HULU a website which is used to watch american tv shows and which can only  be watch only if your are in usa .

#Vishal Jadhav

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